Friday, October 15, 2010

MVI 1069

The last eavening in Estonia :o)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dinner in Gershøj

The leadergroup did work all day -
and came to my house for dinner - lucky me

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I have just finished my blue sweater -
The yarn is from Latvia - and the pattern on the front is from Inas socks - thank you Ina -

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Wee worked...

and danced...

and met a lot of kind and sweet and interesting people...

and saw a lot of nice and beautiful places...

See you in the future

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Flowergroup Saturday 24 of July

We stood up at 5.30 because we had to finish the portal, before we were going at a trip to discover the island of Saaremaa.

After a busy morning we just got the job done, before the bus came to the harbor to pick us up at 9 o'clock.

The rest of the day ve spent traveling around visiting a Soap factury, the meteor crater, a church and some windmills (of course there were a dance preformens from serveral groups).

In the eavening we went to Maasi Fortress and some "monks" told us a storry about Estonia :) Later we had a great Barbecue, and it all ended up with singing, dancing and a thunderstorm. All togeather a very, very great farwell eavening.

Flowergroup afternoon Friday 23 of July

In the afternoon we sat up an excibition, in the coffe house near the harbor.
Many people came by, to see what we had made. They also came to see all the folk dansers preforming in front of the cafe'. Later at nigth the place were used at a dansing floor for ewerybody who liked to dance.

Morning Friday 23 of July

The whole group went to Muhu, to see parts of the history af the area.
First vi saw a museum telling about lift around 1900.
We visited e.g. the old School house.
At noon we had picnic at an open "dance" place belonging to a villige. Some of the ladies form the area did sing and dance for us. Two persens had birthday in July and they got a song and dance as a "gift".

Flowergroup Thursday 22. july

Today we prepared a victory portal for the wollyball games in Orissaare

Many detales were discussed before the result were good.

We also decorated the stools with erica. Aftervards we made a lot of bouets for all the winners of the games. We also made bouqets for the winners af the Saaremaa/Muhu swim. Some decorations for the eavenings hoasts and for Ulvi (turned 50 today) were made too.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Flowergroup 21th of July

Today it's big jewelry-day. We made all sorts of things. All the things will go on the exhibition on friday.
Erika is going to Hawaii... :O)
We are working in front of Reines store, and a lot of people is coming by to see what we are doing.
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Flowergroup 20th of July

In the bog with rubber boots (snake-protection) to collect all we needed for todays work.

Collected "stuff" from the bog on the trailer.

Together we builded up a flower-sofa.

Estonia friday the 19th of July

Varm velcomst in Estonia in front of the Culture House in Orissaare.
Inside the Culture House we welcomed and had a snack in the hall.
In the evening, after getting hosted, we went to the harbour for swimming and on the way home we took this picture of the sunset.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Thursday april 27.

We had the most lovely sailing trip Riga- Stockholm. The vue in the morning were so beautiful. We just enjoyed it.
And 3 verry nice husbands (Peter, Arthur and Verner) came to Stockholm by car and got us back to Denmark.
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monday april 26

We alle went to Talsi this morning. Sofie and Jytte continued to Riga hoping to get planeticktes out of Latvia. But the cloud stayed over Europe. Erik Mikkelsen found tickets for us at the ferryboat from Riga to Stockholm. We had to go from Riga at 5.30 p.m. Evryboddy rushed back to Pastende. Jolanta had arranged a small bus to Riga.
Then it's time for saying goodbye in a hurry.

Sofie And Jytte got the oppotunity to see a little of Riga, before the others arrived.

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