Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Felting on recycling sweaters

We bought a bunch of sweaters in a recycle store.
Washed the sweaters and felted them with needles nice and tight.
Personal and beautiful designed clothes.
See the example above.

Needle felt on cards

Dyed wool and feltneedles

silk (left overs)
The finished cards
Arrange the wool on the silk - felt it properly with the needle - glue it on -
decorate it with perls - send the card to a good friend -

A crochet flower

Start with the inner flower:

Croch 5 ch (chain stitch) into a ring with a SlSt (slipstitch)
All rounds ends with af SlSt an begins with a ch.
Croch 9 sc (single crohet) in the ring and end the row.

After that:
- * 2 ch and skip 1 crochet an croch 1 sc in the next stitch*
- Repeat from * to * 5 times = 5 bows

Croch in every bow * 1 sc, 3 tr (treble), 1 sc*

Croch from the back of the work a new row of ch-bows:
-*croch 4 ch, 1 sc around the sc from the inner flower*
- Repeat from * to * 5 times = 5 new bows

Croch in every bow: * 1 sc, 4 tr, 1 sc*

Do the ends nice and thight.
Decorate with perls or fabric flowers an sew a brooch or a hairbuckle on the back side.
