Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Brigita and Raili and Riina and Ulvi worked......

and Antra and Anne worked......

and Birgit and Ina worked......

and Elin worked too......
and we all loved it......

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday 16th of April Flowergroup

Thursday 15th of April Flowergroup

It's time to show you a little bit of our work.

Many of the compositions are made together. Here Aneli and Reine are making a bird for my bird-cottage sitting on Jyttes globe.

We went for a walk in the forrest and when we came back, the bird had died.

This is a very special spider... count the legs...

After dinner, this tradinational dancing-group came by, and gave us some exercise.

One was playing at a very old "Citar" (more than 100 years old).

Wedensday 14th of April Flowergruop

After lunch the flowergroup had a walk to see the new sportscentre in Pastende. An old man (the manager) told us all about the place.

This ruin & park is next to the school in Pastende and we are told that it is an old sprit-fabric.

After dinner this wonderful dancing-group came by and taught us some dances. Originaly they are a weight-loss group.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wedensday morning

Kindergarten so cute
we walk in the town.
Lunch time
/ Maiken

Arrivel to Latvia

A break at a castle on our way to Pastende.
The food group starts.
Making pancakes.

Here is the pancakes.

Wedensday 14th of April 2010 morning

In the morning we started up making a "gate".
At 10:30 am we went to see the performence from the kindergarden.
Dorte made a Stork for the "gate".

The "Stork-gate" in the hall, notice the little "crocedille" and the fish.

Thursday 13th of April 2010 Afternoon

The flower-group went to Talsi with the bus in the afternoon.
We visited art school for children aged 10-15 years.
Some of the old part of the town. A town with 9 hills.

On top of one of the hills, we got this view.

Thursday 13th of April 2010 morning

Thursday morning we meet at 9 o'clock a.m. at the culture house next to the school.
We began to make som blue and yellow flowers, that had to dry up until tomorrow.
Out of willow we made mobiles for the entrance/hall.

"Long" Analie is hanging the mobiles at the sealing.

Monday 12th of April 2010

The reunion at Riga Airport. We were picked up by bus and went to Pastende.
At Pastende Culture House we had a warm welcome from Jolanta and Antra. We were shown around and told about the place.
This is the local primary school, were we have lunch every day in the celler. It's build by a german Baron and his family are still conected to the place.

Our first meal in Latvia, lunch at the school. Afterwards we went to our hosts, and had a look at their places before dinnertime at the culture house. After some singing we went back to sleep, while Poul and Anne arrived at midnight.