Sunday, May 9, 2010

Thursday april 27.

We had the most lovely sailing trip Riga- Stockholm. The vue in the morning were so beautiful. We just enjoyed it.
And 3 verry nice husbands (Peter, Arthur and Verner) came to Stockholm by car and got us back to Denmark.
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monday april 26

We alle went to Talsi this morning. Sofie and Jytte continued to Riga hoping to get planeticktes out of Latvia. But the cloud stayed over Europe. Erik Mikkelsen found tickets for us at the ferryboat from Riga to Stockholm. We had to go from Riga at 5.30 p.m. Evryboddy rushed back to Pastende. Jolanta had arranged a small bus to Riga.
Then it's time for saying goodbye in a hurry.

Sofie And Jytte got the oppotunity to see a little of Riga, before the others arrived.

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Sunday april 25.

Today we all had to leave Latvia.
Here the Estonian leaves ---

But the Danes wanted to see and try more, so they had arranged a ashcloud from Island. No planes could leave Riga so we had to stay.
The wool group were busy all afternoon learning more techniques

Then it's time to go back to Vija. :)

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Saturday april 24.

All the groups went to Ventspils saturday morning, We enjoyed to be tourists in a nice city.

In the eavening the flower group had a big supper at Vijas place.

Late in the eavening Anneli played Santa Claus (look at the red plastic bag). Here is Dorthe receiving a gift for herself and "King Arthur".
The 3 Estonians got remoulade and ristede løg.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Friday April 16.

All morning we vere busy making green "pillows".
After lunch we arranged an exhibition, showing most af the production from the flower and wool group. The foodgroup had made some small, delicious snacks for all the visitors. There were speeks from different people af the new county.
Our last meal in the big group in Latvia (we thought) Maiken and Poul were surposted to fly home early saturday, but a cloud from the vulcano at Island made all flying impossible in Northen Europe.
In the evening vi danced and talked. Kariina made a show for us.