Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Flowergroup 21th of July

Today it's big jewelry-day. We made all sorts of things. All the things will go on the exhibition on friday.
Erika is going to Hawaii... :O)
We are working in front of Reines store, and a lot of people is coming by to see what we are doing.
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Flowergroup 20th of July

In the bog with rubber boots (snake-protection) to collect all we needed for todays work.

Collected "stuff" from the bog on the trailer.

Together we builded up a flower-sofa.

Estonia friday the 19th of July

Varm velcomst in Estonia in front of the Culture House in Orissaare.
Inside the Culture House we welcomed and had a snack in the hall.
In the evening, after getting hosted, we went to the harbour for swimming and on the way home we took this picture of the sunset.