Saturday, October 31, 2009

The woolgroup Friday the 23rd of October

We met at Birgits house and prepared our things for exhibition -

Felted on baskets - made some more sweatwrs and cards -

and put little labels on with our names -

After a quick lunch we went to Østergård -

At Østergård we arranged our cards, sweaters and baskets and prepared a workshop with cards

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Flower group visiting Copenhagen 24th of Oct.

Saturday 24th of October 2009

The flower group visited Copenhagen today. We took the train from Hvalsø at 8.58 and got to Nørreport.

We went shopping, saw the "Round Tower" and many other buildings. We went to more flower shops (e.g. Erik Berring who is very famous in Denmark) and The Royal Copenhagen (where Nicolai Bergman is owning the flowershop-corner)."Flora Danica" is the most famous service of Royal Copenhagen, ...and it is very expensive!

We made it through "Nyhavn" (see the red sign in the background) without getting drunk.

We saw e.g. Amaliehaven and Marmorkirken. We had a nice lunch at Rizraz before going to The danish national museum of Art. Late afternoon we went to Jyttes place, where we helped each other to make a nice supper. We had a mussel soup and fried cod fish + lots of fun.

Late in the evening we said goodbye to each other, - and see you again in Latvia in April 2010!

Workshop at Østergaard

All groups met at Østergaard to show some of the things they have been dooing the last days. We all made a work shop for each other and guests.

Things are easy to explain when it is done with a big smile.

- But you have to koncentrate if you want at good result.

After the work shop we all had a supper at Østergaard.

We had 3 different soups, one from each country and 3 types of pancakes as well.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday the 22th of October for the flower group

Today we went out in the forrest (Ryegaard skov) to collect leaves, bark etc. for todays decoration. At this tree there is af beatyful view over "Dejligheden" in Lejre. Elisabeth is joining us today because her childminder is sick. She enjoyed to be in the middle of everything.
A little tea and bread break in the forrest (we couldn't find any trolls)

Dorthe with her "fasan"-hat :O)

Everybody helped to get the pushcart around.

Here is cows too...

Todays theme was: Wreaths!
Todays production of wreaths.

In the evening we had a traditionel danish lunch for dinner at Maikens place in Kr. Såby. Beer, snaps and songs.

(Remember that you can get all the pictures larger by "clicking" them with the mouse)

Wedensday 21th of october for the flower group

In the morning we went to Roskilde to have a look at the "vikingeskibene" (viking-ships) and walk along the beach to "Kællingehaven".

The glassworks at the habour was open.

We went to Roskilde city to have a look at Roskilde Cathedral, where a lot of kings and queens are buried -just staying in their coffins inside the cathedral.

Some are lying down to have a good picture of the cathedral ;O)

At the marketplace in Roskilde we went to buy flowers and get some inspiration for todays work.

We were a little cold when we returned to Hasselgård, but in the flower-room we all got lunch and was heated up. We started to work with boquets and decorations.

Flowers made by leaves, -maybe a good idea for the workshop on friday?
In the evening we had dinner at Torben and Kirstens place. Steamed lamb from an earth-oven with salad.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The flower group

In the morning we vere busy making baskets of different kinds :)

In the afternoon vi had a curse at Birthe Jørgensen

This is the produktion
We all had a nice "skibberlapskovs" in the kitchen at Sæby Gershøj Skole.
And we enjoyed the dance with "Horns Herreds Folkedansere"
the rest of the evening.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Latvians has arrived

I was in the airport tonight to pick up the ladies from Latvia (flower-group), it turned out that one of them was a teacher (teaching music) and then I decided to take them with me, visiting my husbands band practising their sets for their upcoming concert.
I think they enjoyed the tunes of rock and blues performed by "Blue Tribes".

Friday, October 16, 2009

Program for the week in Denmark

If you click at the program with the mouse it becomes bigger, and you can read it.