Today we went out in the forrest (Ryegaard skov) to collect leaves, bark etc. for todays decoration. At this tree there is af beatyful view over "Dejligheden" in Lejre. Elisabeth is joining us today because her childminder is sick. She enjoyed to be in the middle of everything.

A little tea and bread break in the forrest (we couldn't find any trolls)

Dorthe with her "fasan"-hat :O)

Everybody helped to get the pushcart around.

Here is cows too...

Todays theme was: Wreaths!

Todays production of wreaths.

In the evening we had a traditionel danish lunch for dinner at Maikens place in Kr. Såby. Beer, snaps and songs.
(Remember that you can get all the pictures larger by "clicking" them with the mouse)
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